culture Shipping

Moving On

Well. Where to begin? Tonight, in Vlissingen the Dutch begin to celebrate Carnival. A crazy celebration involving costumes and role reversal, that will last until Ash Wednesday. Carnival celebrations traditionally involve masks, cross-dressing, jesters acting like the king, and lords and ladies waiting on their servants. Linked to Purim, it indicates how the proper order […]

culture Internet Philosophy

Twits and Titans

Very little of what passes for ‘culture’ today, is anything more than a cult or a sub-culture. The political movements of our time have more in common with a bowel movement than any of the guiding principles they use as camouflage. The focus on the outcast, the downtrodden or the marginal has become so fetishised […]

culture History Religion

Candles and Badgers

Good evening. It’s nine p.m. on a Saturday night, so naturally, I’m sipping a Ribena and reading about IR35 tax reform. I’ve been ashore for a week now, and the kids all have some respiratory infection that has given me a rather itchy throat. However, the days are lengthening, and I can sense spring on […]