Mandated medical procedures, psychopaths and consent
*(for vaccine, read ‘immorally coerced medical experimentation’)
When I first went to sea I was in the Royal Navy Unit at University. Mostly it was an excuse for me to be drunk 2 days out of every three. I didn’t take it very seriously at first, but it gave my alcoholism some manly authenticity. Being seasick and hungover were pretty much the same thing anyway.
Although after a while, it grew on me. The unpleasant motion of the ship, the cold air of the North Sea, the constant dampness, the shared toilets and unpleasant cabin-mates. That all faded away after a few deployments and the beauty of it all began to shine through.
One day arriving in port I was tying up ropes to moor the vessel alongside an ancient brick and cement quayside. The sun glistened on the raindrops as my hands moved the ropes, wrapping them around the bollards in turns the way sailors have done for generations.
The connection to every sailor who’d gone before me filled me with reverence for my profession. A vision of my grandfather struck me. Moving my hands in this particular way brought about the resurrection of my forebears. Old hands performing even older routines.
That’s where it all started to grow on me. The people of the sea are my people.
As the years have gone by, I have come to meet so many people at sea who are in it for the same reasons, but from such varied backgrounds as you would not believe.
It was one of those first shipmates I had from the Royal Navy who introduced me early on to the certainty that pure evil does exist.
I had ‘known’ about evil from reading history. And when I was young I had first-hand experience of malevolence when a close friend of the family was murdered. He’d been living with us after separating from his partner, who had him killed (allegedly), so I was one of the first people to the hospital. I was not naïve to the existence of evil at this point.
However, some have witnessed far greater evil. And when a man like that speaks from the heart, with enough intensity and authenticity, it has an effect on you that nothing else can.
My friend had been part of a team deployed ashore in the Sierra Leone conflict. Their task as engineers was to build some facilities on the beach head so that further troops could be deployed after them. They were forward of friendly forces and outside of their comfort zone but guarded by Royal Marines.
Out of the jungle, he relayed, came screams, shouting, and gunfire. Marching toward them slowly and firing AK47s were dozens of small African children, glittering and sparkling in the sun, with white ghostly painted faces, terrifying, and shooting to kill.
They wouldn’t stop.
As my friend took cover, the Marines returned fire. Some of the children, wounded, got back up and continued their grim march towards the position. Many of the soldiers began to crumble. They had kids of their own. They didn’t want to be shooting children. Some could not pull the trigger, even as these child soldiers bore down on them, intent on taking their lives.
A few of the Marines were somehow able to finish the job and defend their position.
After the action, the children (I never asked how many were killed or survived) were examined. They had these white marks under their eyes, which my friend had assumed to be war paint. In fact, it turned out that these child soldiers would find themselves kidnapped by local warlords, and they would have slits cut open on their faces. The open wounds would be stuffed with drugs of some kind, in order to induce a compliant, trance-like hallucinogenic state.
Under their dark hypnosis, the warlords would convince them that the invaders were devils that had to be killed. They were told that their shaman’s magic would protect them from bullets, while they drive out the enemy. The glittering on their bodies was ‘armour’, consisting of old compact discs hung around their shoulders on a thread.
In their zombified narcotic state, these poor children marched into battle believing they were protected, and in their numbness, continued to fight even after being shot.
That, my friend said, was the day when he came to know pure evil.
And it is true, evil is real.
But what to do about it?
One thing I think we can do, and something I do at sea when trying to avoid collisions, is recognise the danger signs of evil. We must examine the nature of evil, in others, in the state and in our own hearts, so that we can nip it in the bud before we get to the level of child-soldier-drug-zombies.
Indeed, the key to being a good navigator at sea is learning precisely this skill. If you can detect a hazard very early, you only need to alter course a couple of degrees to avoid it. The later you detect a problem, the more drastic the correction needs to be.
In his latest book, Jordan Peterson mentions something interesting about psychopaths that I think can help explain a lot about the weird occult nature of evil we see in our world today. For example:
- Why do they publish all of their evil plans to take over the world and depopulate it?
- Why do they adorn themselves with signs and symbols?
- What is their obsession with magic and numerology?
- Why do they tell such easily disproven lies?
With psychopaths making up between 1 and 5% of any group, and generally 3% of the population, this is no trivial topic. Clearly, the low-rent psychopaths are out enjoying all of the armed conflicts they can get their bloody hands on. But what about the elite psychos? The top 1%? The crème de la crème of utter malevolence?
Peterson pointed out that ‘even psychopaths are concerned with morality’, because they know, perhaps as their evolutionary survival strategy, that most people are moral. They know from generations of genetic experience that when the pitch-fork mob has had enough of them, they had better at least be able to fake a moral justification for their actions.
Now isn’t that an interesting point?
This bluffing and signalling about consent then becomes a confirmation of their psychopathy. A tell-tail that shows us they’re hedging against us finding out later on.
Another useful technique that might be worth sharing is something I learned from training in marine accident investigation. It’s called the ‘Simultaneous Facts Diagram’ (SFD). It’s something we use after an incident, like a collision between two ships, to understand the two opposing sets of facts leading up to an incident.
For example, here is an SFD I completed for the MV Baltic Ace collision with Corvus J:
Now let’s do a similar one for the ‘vaccine’ mandates:
I could spend years on a detailed SFD for the pandemic, but who even cares at this point? For those with eyes to see, the vaccines have at best done nothing. At worst, caused untold health complications for generations to come.
For me, the bullying, lies and coercion have permanently destroyed any last shred of respect for the state that I may have had. The censorship alone was enough of a red flag for me to avoid the vaccines. Although it has now become clear that the state exists not for our benefit at all. We now have a society that in principle is on the philosophical edge of state-enforced abortions and sterilisations. The idea of freedom in the West is long gone.
But at least we know it now.
We know that we already live in a fascist state in this country, and we can point it out to others by noticing the relationship between corporations and the state.
The government actually collects almost zero tax by itself. It makes employers do it for them, thereby outsourcing their theft and poisoning the relationship between employees and their employers. The employer is made to do the dirty work of making people redundant through covid rules, allowing government to give the order but not be the target of resentment from the victims.
Corporations are after all an extension of the state.
Governments evolved from warlords (hence the house of lords) who, being at the top of the hierarchy for violence in their day, were exempt from liabilities for their violence. Hence, a monopoly on the use of force is the foundation of all governments.
A later invention was the corporation (East India Company, Hudson Bay Company, Privateers, etc), whereby the state effectively ‘franchises out’ part of that liability to private individuals in return for a fee. Hence why corporations to this day shield employers from criminal penalties when they cause workers to die, financial harm to others, etc.
I for one have been taking careful note of all the people who’ve acted in compliance with the state on this. When the hard times come, my door will be closed to those people.
This is the revelation of an apocalypse. We see how evil operates, and where it comes from. How it is always there, and how we all support it in one way or another.
What comes next? I think we see the disappearance of sovereign nation-states as governments dissolve into mere courtiers of backroom despots. The mysterious ‘they’ will wage war on the only remaining threat to their power – individuals – until the end of time.
Thus it ever was, thus it shall remain. Only the scale and the technology are different. But the individual will always return. By definition, we are in fact, free people. Will adapt to defend ourselves, whatever they bring. That is the struggle of our existence and our inescapable future.
And they are already shooting themselves in the foot. I’m in touch with my dark side enough to know that if I were planning a mass depopulation, I wouldn’t use the first vaccine to do it.
No, because in the long term, if they kill off or sterilise lots of us with the first vaccine, that will cause an evolutionary pressure that acts against the interests of the compliant. It will leave or select for, a population of people more distrustful of the parasite class. Those of us left would be less susceptible to their ways of manipulation.
If I were the evil genius, I’d vaccinate all the compliant people with what is actually an antidote for the second ‘virus’. Once everyone who was going to be a good little Nazi citizen has complied with the mandates, I’d release a second designer virus to kill off those pesky non-compliant types.
If you’re going to cull the herd, you don’t want to be left with only weird sheep!
Maybe that’s what’s going to happen when they accidentally bomb these Ukrainian-CIA Biolabs, that don’t exist, but if they do exist, it would be Putin’s fault.
But I don’t think that’s what is happening, even if that is what some of them would like to do.
I do think they are psychopaths, out of touch and disgusted by the common man. Your George Bernard Shaw types who believe they are a special class with the right to decide who lives or dies. But I don’t think they are as smart as they think they are.
Evil exists. But even these psychopaths have to dress it up in magic words and compact discs and drug your children to get away with it. They have their giveaway clues to cover their psychopathic tracks. We can see it now, all the time, all around us. We don’t trust a single word they say any more, and our number is growing by the minute. And just wait until all these vaccine injury survivors grow up and start voting. It will be like fight club.
So how do we defeat evil, then? Step 1 – recognise it. Step 2 – deny it the territory it needs in our hearts and minds, by not believing in their lies.
That’s how we fight it on the streets, in our homes and in our daily lives. We prove that we do not need them.
They have no authority over us if we do not appeal to authority to solve our problems.
That idea of self-reliance is what former US Navy officer John F Kennedy was assassinated for. The idea that we do not need these people for anything, is the most dangerous idea in the world to them. It is the one that they are fighting so hard to repress right now, as their fiat money runs out, and people armed with network technologies can break out of their Soma-Story boxes and speak to each other directly.
It is so urgent for the elites now because they realised, they were losing control.
If we panic, we will lose everything. We must hold our nerve, and not give in to nihilism. Forgive those we can, and help build each other up into healthy, wealthy, and capable communities that do not need to appeal to power to solve their problems. While we still can.
And like that team of Royal Marines, faced with the awful situation of looking down your rifle at a child soldier, some of us need to take responsibility and fight, for those who cannot. Those who are coming towards us with intent to do harm, may be forgiven as victims of oppression themselves, when the fight is over. For they know not…
What the one-world government and purveyors of luxury digital communism don’t understand (because they have no empathy), is that we too can channel our inner psychopath. We too can create narrative. And we too can bring terror to our enemies.
And if we keep consent and truth as our highest virtues, and lead by example, we will defeat these liars.