
Eat Your Curses

I visited my friend in hospital on Monday. I couldn’t help but laugh and smile the moment I saw him.

‘It’s not good mate. I’m 37. Total heart failure’.

‘I know, but you’re alive, mate!’

We chatted as he passed in and out of consciousness. All of the machines that are helping the blood around his body make little noises in tune with his now weak heartbeat. The ‘tune’ of their beat goes totally quiet every few minutes, which is jarring at first.

Life is musical.

ICU people potter around him like cheerful Glaswegian Oompa Loompas. Equally orange, but less melodic, they pinch toes and take blood samples from the tubes attached to every part of his body on about a 45-minute cycle.

We discussed how grateful we were for the specialised cardiological care at the ICU in Clydebank. He says one of the worst things about it all, is they don’t know what caused it. It could be genetic, or it could be a virus. He may or may not find out ‘why’ in a few months. He has always been in great physical shape and hasn’t been on any drugs recently. They did ask if he’d had the clot shot. When he said ‘no’, they asked why. He simply said ‘I didn’t want it’.

My mate is so done with society (or ‘down the rabbit hole’, as some would call it), that he no longer believes in viruses. He told me, lying in his hospital bed on life support, that he’d refuse all his treatment if they offered him an MRNA shot right now before surgery.

The balls on this guy. I love him.

That’s how socialism gets most people. The nice people at the hospital do take good care of you when you’re at your most vulnerable. And then, because it is impossible to see opportunity cost, or the parasitical leviathan of bureaucracy in the NHS (that constitute the truly ‘useless eaters’) or the fact that all the fancy machines were purchased from healthcare systems (USA & Israel) that can innovate because of the profit motive, most people leave their stint in hospital with some teary-eyed notion that ‘I owe the government some loyalty because I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for ‘our’ NHS’.

As if people wouldn’t place any value on healthcare or education or transport without state coercion.

Are youse two brothers’?

Naw mate. Just really good friends. 25 years’.

I tucked his blanket over his shoulders a couple of times. Held his hand. Told him I’d be back soon.

I couldn’t go back the next day because he needed to have some surgery that evening. And by the Wednesday, my two eldest children had started school and managed to contract some pathogen and give me a throaty cough and chest infection. Obviously, I can’t go anywhere near my friend now for fear of coughing on him and delaying his heart transplant due to infection.

I text him once a day and keep in touch with his wife daily. My brother and I went for a walk ‘doon the glen’ where my mate and I spent much of our teenage years ditching school (called dogging it in Scotlandshire), setting fires, climbing cliffs and trees, and generally avoiding our parents and peers for one thing or another. A literal memory lane.

waterfalls near green trees during daytime
Photo by Adam Bixby on Unsplash

He was always one of those people with no fear of death. He would climb things that looked impossible, with no rope, and no hesitation. He used to scare the life out of me just watching him. He was always so strong.

I want him to pull through so much. It’s easy to make new friends. Virtually impossible to make old friends.

A case in point, the female friend I mentioned previously may well be on a path to divorce. It’s so unpleasant. Generally, you can observe female pride being a large component of divorce proceedings. I sometimes wonder if all these trans women started out as guys who just wanted a taste of Western female privilege. Modern woman wants the man to be both the man and the woman. We’re supposed to work the day shift, then come home and work the night shift. But in this case, her man isn’t really doing anything at all that you might hope if their relationship were to be sustained.

They have two kids. It’s so sad.

What I like about homosexual civil partnership, and detest so much about modern culture, is that the ‘sexual revolution’ has made the claim sexual intercourse is now ‘consequence free’. As if sex isn’t a union between two souls, and does not require commitment.

This crock of lies has reduced sexual intercourse to the level of ‘entertainment’, akin to a game of badminton, while at the same time entertainment in general has overtaken participation in society as the ultimate source of gratification. People now think they have a ‘right’ to have sex as if being denied sex were like having your YouTube account suspended. The sexualisation of children in society seems to be a downstream consequence of this belief, extended to misguided notions of children’s rights.

You can almost go along with the argument to a point. If you have chemically castrated yourself and you take precautions against disease, then where is the harm in casual sex?

But, when you already have two children together, though you never bothered to make a commitment in front of friends and family to be married, and now you are willing to break up for the sake of sexual pleasure? In my opinion, that just communicates to your children that you didn’t really want them. That they were an accidental side effect of pleasure, and that they mean very little to you. And if your kids are too young to comprehend that in an articulated fashion now, they will still instinctively absorb that and grow up with nihilism, despondent or as slaves to their destructive passions.

Children prefer to know that the people they are entirely dependent on for their survival actually chose to bring them into existence, and can be committed to another person. Children are far more conscious of their vulnerabilities than the typical narcissist would give them credit for.

When you act only for short-term pleasure, you deny the human spirit and the invisible and immaterial realm. You ignore the fact that your actions permanently change the universe around you in a very real way. Your actions speak louder than your words, always.

Like socialism, there is no such thing as a free lunch. With integrity in general, it’s always, pay me now, or pay me later. But you’re gonna pay.

On the plus side, I’m making better friends with my buddy that I hired to help me finish my bathroom. I’ve done a bit of plumbing and tiling, but this guy has been at it for six years professionally and has been doing joinery for most of his life. It’s amazing to watch him work. He also worked in the Merchant Navy on similar ships to me and is fully awake to the predations of our state. He reckons he has suffered vaccine injury in the form of sudden onset of severe joint pain, and other symptoms like a racing heart. He’s holding gold and preparing for life on the black market. We discussed the BRICS expansion and the imminent demise of the petro-dollar. The fact that AI doesn’t really mean that the working class will suffer, but rather, all the useless idiots in the civil service, the 80% of the 80/20 rule, who just move spreadsheets from one folder to another, will soon have to learn to make themselves useful. Guys like us are due a comeback.

Like me, he can’t wait for society to collapse. Let the chips fall where they may.

If this week has taught me anything, it is how totally dependent we are on each other. The hard times ahead will teach people that – if they don’t already know.

I caught up on a couple of Delingpods this weekend. Reports that our family courts are essentially a child kidnapping racket no longer surprise me. The story that Melinda Gates left her husband after finding out about his adventures on Epstein Island, and yet Bill gets a pass comes to mind. What is it with the end times and paedophilia? Surely a billionaire can afford enough private jets to compensate for his small penis size, and doesn’t need to bring four-year-olds into it?

It answers the question ‘What are our police even for these days’? quite nicely.

Chemtrails, central bank digital currencies, neo-serfdom, bypassing democracy, Blackrock, fluoride, 9/11, WMDs, child trafficking, fake UFOs, fake moon landings, fake food, fake medicine, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, ULEZ 15-minute gulags, Terra Carta, Azov Nazis, clones, tunnels, DEW wildfires near proposed smart city locations, transhumanism, deliberate affirmation of mental illness, CIA drug running, Obama and Trudeau are gay lizard men, etc.

Why, we ask, would they let it all hang out like this? Who can we vote for? Where can we move to? What can we do to retain our wealth and status through to the other side of this ‘Great Reset’?

Limited hang out, controlled opposition, interference, divide and conquer, Hegelian blah, blah, blah.

Everything is in the open because they want you to panic, and rush, and live in fear.

I stopped listening to the Delingpod and other alternative journalists for a good while there because I could feel my ‘fight or flight’ response being activated, although slightly less severely than by, say, Alex Jones at his peak.

You have to know that all of the noise is designed to paralyse you. Part of why the bad guys allow you to hear these stories about them is because it feeds their intimidation factor.

The one thing they don’t ever want you to know about is this one guy who lived 2000-odd years ago. Funny that? Almost like that guy had the answer to a way out of this madness or something?

So, as the psychic civil service in the UK ramps up for another monumental vaccine campaign, for a new ‘variant’ of covid this week. (I almost laughed as I typed that – how the hell can people fall for this again), just turn the TV off.

The only way to make the world a better place is to understand that changes are coming, no matter what. Your social status and wealth may not survive into the new world. But the important thing is that our principles make it through to the new world. And the only way that has ever happened before, is by being shown integrity by people who are willing to die for their principles. By martyrs and saints.

Can you sit in your hospital bed dying, like my fearless friend, and still have the backbone to say ‘no’?

Can you take every bad thing that ‘happens to you’, as we go through the last stand for freedom between now and 2030, and consistently choose to remain grateful for your life, and for all the good times, and turn those curses into blessings? Even as your customers disappear, your friends die, you get made redundant, your profession collapses, or your social group turns against you?

Or will you allow yourself to be dragged off to their fake wars, doped up with their fake drugs, or distracted by their divisive party politics?

It’s up to you.

One thing I’m grateful for is that I’ve seen enough suffering around me, all my life, to know that the purpose of life is not to wallow in pleasure. Our purpose is to manifest the principles of heaven, here on earth.

‘Keeping your head down’, is not an option in spiritual warfare.


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