culture freedom History politics Religion Shipping

Any Old Reason

It’s dim now, but what I remember most about that night was the physical pain. My mother woke me in the middle of the night in a state of total hysteria. ‘Get up, now! It’s Tony! He’s in the hospital! Get up, NOW!’

My left ear was in agony. It felt like it had been crushed.

I had been sleeping on the floor on a folded-up blanket, and my head had slipped off onto the carpet. It was painful. Despite my mother crying and wailing and urgently bundling us into a taxi cab, it was the thing I was most conscious of in my half-awake stupor. That was, until we walked through the first set of sliding doors at Accident and Emergency at the hospital, and my mum just wailed like a wounded animal and dropped to the floor.

I can’t visualise it anymore, but she later told me that that was the moment when Tony was wheeled past us on a hospital bed, dying.

I describe Tony to people as a ‘kind of uncle’ to keep the story simple. In truth, he was a family friend. The kind of ‘council estate uncle’ who’d always been around. You knew he’d probably banged your mum, and your auntie at some point or other, but overall, he was a welcome and friendly male presence, in a single-mother world normally dominated by bullies and tumbleweed anti-specimins. He’d been friends with my blood uncle, Derek, since childhood.

I had been sleeping on the floor for a couple of weeks so that Tony could have my room. He had fallen out with his second wife and needed a place to stay. I was happy to offer it. I loved having him around. He taught me how to play racing car games on my Sega Mega Drive (Genesis, for the Yanks). Still to this day, I remember his voice saying ‘You can accelerate out of a corner but don’t try it on your way into one’, every time I hit some bad weather on a slippery winding road. He never used a knife while eating. Ever. He drove a proper Del Boy little yellow car, with his business name on the side and everything. He used to collect little pewter statues with gemstones in them. I’m told he suffered from agoraphobia for years, but when I knew him, he was the outgoing owner of a pet shop in the village, known by many and loved (it seemed) by all.

man holding gray dagger
Photo by Reza Hasannia on Unsplash

Tony had been stabbed 27 times, mostly in the back and in the side. His liver was torn to shreds. He died that first night in surgery, while we waited to visit him in the hospital.

I was twelve years old, but the oldest of ‘the five boys’. The five comprised of me, my cousin who was a year younger, his identical twin brothers another year younger, and my brother who is a further year younger. Tony’s two sons from his first marriage were around for a while as well, as we came together.

That was the year I became the ‘man of the house’. The pats on my shoulder at the funeral, and instructions whispered in my ear by relatives informed me of this bizarre new fact.

Comfort your mother’. ‘Explain x, y, z, to the younger kids’. Etc.

Sickness, and disbelief.

Those are my overwhelming memories. A sinking feeling in my stomach, a panicky flight in my chest, and a shocking, total disbelief.

And yet, it was real.

There was a murder trial. I tried to look up the details, but court transcripts are kept confidential in Scotland for like 100 years or something stupid. We love our ‘victims’ so much you, see.

Two men were found guilty of first-degree pre-meditated murder. They had lured him to his wife’s flat on the pretence that their newborn baby needed milk. As he leant over the crib, the two attackers started stabbing him. He ran out of the apartment, but they chased him down the street stabbing him all the way. The CCTV footage of this brutal act of evil was so clear that both men were convicted for life.

I found out later that he had known it was coming. He was crying to my mother a few days before, saying ‘They’re going to kill me’. He still went to feed his daughter.

‘Life’ in the UK meant about 20 years maximum at the time, or about 12 years in prison if they were lucky.

That outcome seemed injustice enough, for depriving the world of a father of three.

The thing that killed us though, the part that burned my family to the ground, was the seeming ‘fact’ that the wife who was the obvious instigator of the entire murder – was never put on trial, and faced no punishment. Moreover, she managed to gain 15 minutes of fame (and presumably some cash) from selling her story to various women’s weekly magazines. Except, her version of the story was ‘I’m the poor victim of jealous lovers’.

The fact that she’d gotten herself pregnant by one of the murderers added the juicy tabloid angle to her story that the papers evidently crave. ‘How can I one day tell my child that your daddy, killed your sister’s daddy’.

Pure limbic-brain bait.

Of course, I am just remembering the story as it formed in my pre-pubescent brain and as was reinforced by the storytelling of my inconsolable mother in the weeks, months and years of sobbing depression that followed. I probably have facts wrong. I don’t want to ask relatives about it again. I can’t.

I cannot speak of the agony of his two sons – one of whom became a doctor to ‘save his dad’, the other of whom seems to have sworn off women altogether. Nor of the tortured pain of the child of his that we never knew. She must be 26 now.

I can’t even remember her name now. She was an infant. When I asked what would happen to her, I was told ‘That’s NOT Tony’s baby’.

I am 38, the same age as Tony was when he was killed. We don’t speak of him anymore, but I think of him often. And of Derek, who’s cancer treatment was cancelled by the NHS at the start of the first lockdown, just in case they got busy. We buried him in the same village, the final week of the first lockdown.

My mother told me she confronted the procurator fiscal and the police after the trial. ‘What about HER!?’

‘What do you mean? We got the guys who put the knife in.’

Justice in the United Kingdom.

I am sorry for not writing these last few weeks. When we got back from the US, I spent a full week trying to finish my bathroom project and replace another broken toilet. With that complete, I then flew down to Southampton to gain a teaching qualification that now allows me to train or instruct seafarers. I did my presentations on leadership and management as my project, and it went so well, that the training centre has engaged me to write a new Human Elements of Leadership and Management course for their training centre. After that, I came back up to Jockland and spent a week training to go on the oil rigs. This entails being nearly drowned ten or twelve times in a swimming pool, as they strap you into a mock helicopter fuselage, spin it upside down, and dunk you underwater.

The BOSIET/HUET training was tiring, but it was a little namby pamby compared to the one I did for the Royal Navy. However, I was very grateful for that, as I’m no longer 22 years old. I don’t need that kind of excitement anymore. Just do the basics and give me the bit of paper I need to get on with my job.

The classroom element of the BOSIET course was very basic, and I didn’t enjoy it. The instructor was very authoritarian, and a bit of a know-it-all. Which is fine, unless, you don’t know that much, you just think you do. But the news of the Israel-Hamas war distractingly dripped through the little cracks in the schedule allowed for coffee breaks and such, as we shivered our way through a cold winter week in Glasgow.

I had been thinking as deeply as I could in my very few spare moments about how to better articulate a feeling I’ve had, in response to my pen-friend Steven Wilkinson’s excellent article: The They/Them Paradox. I know that The Age of Reason is over, but what do I mean by that. How can I explain it?

I even started reading Thomas Paine’s Age of Reason. Although his biography was more engrossing.

The age of reason is what people of my generation were told that we lived in. We were assured by the likes of the late Christopher Hitchens that it was the gift of free speech and the unlimited genius unleashed by the Enlightenment that made us special. And that we had ourselves outgrown the need for God by REASON.

The four horsemen of the new atheist brigade have represented the ‘smart people’ club of the West for as long as I remember being conscious of an outside world or politics. Their arrogance that their own worldview was so self-evidently correct, that all we had to do was invite the Islamists into our loving secular humanist arms of late libertine democratic welfare states, and the likes of Al Qaeda/the Taliban/Hamas would magically dissolve, as those silly ignorant Muslims would naturally see that our Godless anything goes attitude is so obviously the correct and only way to be.

His hatred of religion in general, combined with this smug secular attitude, seemed to be what drove his call for war in Iraq.

Smugness. Love of the intellect. Pride. That is the sin of the West, and it probably always has been.

Covid lockdowns killed that.

Lockdowns marked the point where The Age of Reason gave way to The Age of Any Old Reason.

Thomas Paine wrote a familiar refrain. ‘I don’t believe in this, & I don’t believe in that. Everyone should be free to believe whatever they wish. I can pick and choose what I like. And we’re jolly well all the same deep down anyway. Except for Christians, who are evil, because they don’t believe what I believe’. Then the rest of the book is him basically using techniques of literary criticism that were invented by monks to detect and correct errors of transcription, then point this out as evidence that ‘it’s all made up and you can’t trust it.’

Well, Islam is often right about the West. You can judge us by the fruits of our labour. Deficits, debts, state-funded non-medical abortion, sexual and moral degeneracy, breakdown of community, total lack of loyalty, meaningless citizenship, rampant governmental and military fraud, etc. They kind of have a point. I mean, why else are we committing cultural suicide by refusing to have children? It can only be because we hate our own lives so very much, right?

By ‘we’, I mean ‘you all’. I’ve never been happier, professionally at least.

I’m back in Germany this week, on a nice big Norwegian Multi-Purpose Service Vessel (MPSV). She is a hairy-chested beast of a vessel and handling this poor weather very nicely. I am not sailing as skipper, thank goodness. Rather, I’m sailing as a Marine Warranty Surveyor. I’ve been appointed on behalf of the underwriters to make sure the safety of the wind farm operations is up to snuff. Life is a lot nicer without the pressure of command, or the demands of being a watchkeeper. And the Germans have finally given up on mask mandates, although they are still bizarrely twitchy about Covid 19, four years after it was supposedly ‘novel’.

This storm we are sailing into is highly unusual for the Baltic Sea. The weather almost always comes from the West here. Now it is from the East. This morning we had 50 knots of wind at the berth, and we had to sail because if we stayed any longer with that pushing us off the berth, our mooring ropes would soon have snapped, and we’d have either collided with other ships and/or ended up aground.

The UK Met Office has dubbed this storm ‘Babet’.

The project managers are seasoned Baltic sailors. They tell me this is the highest Easterly wind speed they’ve had in thirty years. The wind is so strong it has pushed all the water in the shallow Baltic Sea up against the Western shores, producing the highest tidal surge they’ve had in over 100 years.

The etymological origin of the name Babet is Hebrew. It means, The Oath of God.

The symbolic importance of the East cannot be understated. It is the place where the Sun rises, and where (to us) Jerusalem lies. All maps used to be ‘Oriented’ – East facing – for this reason.

The storm that is named the Oath of God now blows with once-in-a-century fury, and it symbolises a new beginning, brought from heaven.

Symbolism happens.

Like when the pope released white doves from the Vatican, after praying for peace in Ukraine when the conflict started back in 2014. Upon release, a black crow descended upon them and attacked the doves. The God who rejects sacrifices showed us there would be no peace.

Nine years later, the proxy war of the US State Department and the Biden crime family against Russia went from strength to strength. The scale of thuggery and abuse of power by Joe and Hunter Biden is so great, that nobody can tell if the US-made M4 machine guns used by Hamas against Israeli school children were from the weapons given by Slow-Joe to the Taliban in Afghanistan, or from the ‘black market’ in Ukraine.

I mentioned the details of my personal life at the beginning of this article for several reasons. One is to point out something that I don’t think anyone ever takes me seriously when I say I do not believe in the moral or legal legitimacy of the current concept of government. At all! Not for Palestine, or for Israel, or for the UK, or Ukraine.

‘Democracy’ was proven a sham when we had the largest protest in British history against the invasion of Iraq, and our ‘democratic’ leader Tony Blair went ahead and did it anyway. I think he did it ultimately to delegitimise the moral authority of the British armed forces.

This widely held delusion that countries even exist remains a dangerous fact of social life that can absolutely ruin or end your life, for virtually any or no reason at all. The idea that people cannot choose their political overlords is clearly understood right now by every Palestinian apologist, but that standard is not applied to the Israeli people or the people of the USA or the UK. Presumably because ‘we really did vote for Zionist occupation’ and are therefore legitimate targets of total war.

When I was twelve years old, I learned that the police in my country were not ‘protectors’, at all. They are simply ‘collectors’. I am sure that is the same everywhere.

When 9/11 happened, I realised I had dodged a bullet – quite literally – by removing myself from the process of applying to the British Army sixth form college at Welbeck. Looking back on it, the Brigadier who interviewed me nearly fell out of his chair when he saw that I’d come for an interview with my Pakistani step mum, wearing her hijab. That used to be an unusual sight in Glasgow, back in the year 2000. I would have counted as a diversity hire back in them days, just by proxy.

I was tricked into going into debt and going to University by Blair & Brown, only to graduate in 2007-2008 into a non-existent job market, where failed companies were bailed out, but it was super important that people like me pay their debts.

When I started doing well in the Navy Reserve at Uni and started to realise academia was definitely not for me, I wanted a Naval career. However, I eventually knew deep down that I could never be the kind of person the Royal Navy needed me to be. Not if I were to be an officer, anyway. I would always be a subversive to them, and I knew it. I just couldn’t believe in our society enough, to go through with that.

The Merchant Navy was a compromise that fit well. Truly international, I’ve sailed under many a flag of convenience, and owed loyalty to none. And I received none in return. That was fine by me. My loyalty goes as far as the end of the gangway, or to the end of the contract.

Two weeks after we got married in Edinburgh, by a government official, a different official from the same government asked my wife to kindly pack her bags and ‘get out.’ We’d filled in the visa paperwork correctly and were fully qualified for immigration, but we didn’t tell them that fact when we had filled out our previous & unrelated form. So, my own government reduced my wife to tears, and me to a panic attack, before telling her to ‘get out’ for an undetermined amount of time, shortly after we married. And that is why we moved to the USA.

All of that is simply to say, that I have never, ever, for a single moment, believed that my country cared about me. I have never once thought that I owed the bureaucracy anything. And that’s without getting into the problems the NHS has caused my family through its total incompetence and disgraceful bureaucratic waste.

 I don’t hate rules. I HATE people who exempt themselves from rules and then abuse their power. And that is all government is. And that is all that power is for.

Every scrap of ‘sovereignty’ that belongs to a nation-state, exists in direct response to our own failures of sovereignty as individuals. Nation states are the price we pay for our inadequacy as human beings, and moral agents. They continue to exist and persecute us all because we have not the fortitude or the wisdom to make them redundant.

 I can understand the self-described ‘awake’ movement to a degree. But I am not suffering the same stage of disbelief that triggers the ‘learning-cycle’ that most of you have been experiencing since 2020. I never felt like part of society. I’ve been down here in the muddy self-awareness of An-Cap world for some time now. I was munching on apricot seeds until my mouth went numb back in 2012. I tried no-fluoride toothpaste until it gave me a root canal. I have crossed borders all over the world and have yet to find a place where government makes sense at all, let alone during a fake crisis.

One of those borders I have crossed, was the Israeli border, on approach to Haifa after taking a new build ship from Italy. I had sailed with ex-Mossad security guards through the Gulf of Aden some years prior, so I knew how tough Israeli forces could be. Those guys guarded us during the height of Somali piracy, and they did it like it was nothing. We were approached by skiffs twice on my watches, and at least one other time I was aware of. These guys had seen combat in Gaza, and they had clearly come out the winners of whatever they had done. They were serious athletes. They’d do security patrols around the vessel in shifts, eat mountainous portions at every meal, and instead of sleeping would spend hours in the gym doing martial arts, or holding bible studies.

They were machines.

And when I asked them about what it was like in Gaza, with civilians in the line of fire, they were very clear. ‘I’d rather call in a bomb strike on a street and kill a hundred civilians, than lose another one of my guys to a sniper.

How can you argue with that?

And would argue to someone’s face, that they had no right to bomb or kill people who were using their children as hostages?

Thomas Paine probably would argue that. He was a proto-cultural-Marxist. And that’s probably the kind of thing that got him thrown in prison during the French Revolution.

It was clear that my Mossad guard knew that Western presstitutes were his real enemy as an Israeli, way back in 2009. Four years after Israel withdrew all ‘occupation’ from the Gaza Strip, & Hamas became the elected authority there, by the way.

(Even in shipping insurance club bulletins, Hamas are being referred to as a fringe militant group of extremists. They are not. They are the democratically elected authoritarian government of Gaza).

So when I brought my ship to Israel itself, and they made us do mandatory detailed radio reports two days prior to arrival, I knew that I seriously didn’t want to irritate these IDF chaps and chap-ettes. They would question you on the radio, every 24, then 12, then 6 hours as they tracked your ship steaming closer toward their coastline. I realised that they were scrutinising for discrepancies between reports. No mistakes were acceptable. Upon arrival in the territorial waters a Naval vessel does a drive-by scan. Then as you approach the harbour fast patrol boats whizz up to you and point M60 machine guns into your wheelhouse, apparently just to see if you’ll do anything rash.

The moment the gangway is down, the authorities are on board. And these are not the usual crooks you get in former Soviet or actual communist countries, looking for a hot meal and a bribe of Marlboro Reds or Johnny Walker. These are trained interrogators who fingerprint you, scan your passport and interview everyone, including the cook. They bring dogs around the vessel and look for drugs and explosives. And their loaded shooters reinforce the impression that they’d know what to do with you if they found something untoward.

So when the horrific news of the 7th of October attacks came through, I did pause and wonder, ‘How on earth is it at all possible to breach the Israeli border’? I didn’t even know at that time, that it had been penetrated in fifteen separate locations!

Even mega-statist Ben Shapiro has called for a serious investigation into the breach.

But here’s the thing I’ve learned by being in the land of the cynical, for longer than most of you.

Something is definitely wrong with the story. But the truth is, it doesn’t matter.

Just like the story of ‘uncle’ Tony, the initiator of violence is not necessarily the one who ‘put the knife in’.

The warmonger exists, and their identity is known to somebody. And that is that person’s burden to deal with. But how does that help the rest of us in our daily lives?

The trouble with saying ‘oh well, I don’t stand with either side; or;  not in my name; or ‘both sides, cycle of violence, is that it completely ignores what the actors themselves are telling you.

The stated goal of both Hamas, and of the UN/WEF/WHO, is totalitarian one world government, and the subjugation of all other peoples. And both groups are using each other toward that end.

It doesn’t matter if you keep your head down, and don’t say a hate speech. They’re still coming for you.

The ‘It was clearly a false flag for a bankers war, has thankfully replaced the outright ‘Jews start all the wars’ trope which has been the European favourite in past generations. The trouble with false flag theses is that false flags are indistinguishable from sabotage. There is no way to make it stand, or stick to anyone or anything.

(FYI, European Jew-hatred is both the justification for the creation of the state of Israel AND the justification for the EU. As General de Gaul put it, Jews had to go into banking and trades like education, writing and jewellery making because they were prohibited from owning land in most European states. And so when all the French and German farmers would have a bad season, instead of finding a different way to pay back their loans, they would just try to kill the Jews who owned the banks. Thusly, Europe would periodically descend into this kind of religious warfare. He also said the reason it made no sense for Britain to join, was because we had maritime trade, and weren’t dependent on farming.)

Speculation is not knowledge. And even if Hamas was created and or funded by Netanyahu and/or the CIA, it does not explain away the fact that Hamas actually do have soldiers who are willing and ready to stick the knife in, kidnap and rape children before using them as human shields.

The two things that shocked me about the Israel-Hamas war, is that Hamas were publishing their own videos online proudly proclaiming what they were doing, while people in the West were simultaneously denying it.

Hamas were showing us what they were doing, trying to take credit for it, and people either defended them as freedom fighters or said it was a lie.

Can you seriously say that if you were ‘occupied’ enough, that it would justify the rape and torture and slaughter of innocents? What would it take you to do that?

For some of our own political class, it seems almost any justification will do.

The awake’ are now consoling us all with ‘well both sides’, and pseudo-legalistic claims about who is doing a war crime, and who isn’t. Many were alarmingly quick to call for Israel to ‘cease fire’, while the attack was still going on, and Israel had not even started to defend itself. When Israel said, ‘we’ve been giving you free electricity and water for 18 years, but we’re going to switch that off now – UNTIL YOU RELEASE THE HOSTAGES BACK TO US’, the West went wild running cover for Hamas, accusing Israel of human rights abuse.

Pro-Palestine groups gathered in the streets of major Western capitals and chanted ‘Gas The Jews’.

None of these groups chanted ‘Free the hostages’.

This was tolerated by Western police forces because it’s much easier arresting Christians for praying silently inside their heads adjacent to an abortion clinic was deemed criminal hate speech. Even though there was no speech.

Western capitals have ground to a halt with celebrations over these brutal attacks, and yet these people claim to be ‘oppressed’ by ‘occupiers’.

The entire Islamic claim to the Palestinian territory is based on the Islamic conquest of the Eastern Roman Empire in the region. If the law of conquest can work for the caliphate, why can’t it work for the British Empire, or for Israel?

Biden today – again bathing the White House in red light – linked all aid to Ukraine, explicitly with aid to Israel. In this action, he has revealed the aim of his puppet masters.

Why do the people who want a one-world government hate the Jews so much? Why do they hate the Russians so much?

I think both the Jewish survivors of WW2, and the Russian survivors of the Soviet Union have been through communism and rejected it. They’re not going back to that, and the sickos at the UN and WEF know it.

Understand that after WW1, we had the League of Nations. Since WW2 we’ve had the United Nations. The aim of WW3 is the end of nations. The explicit goal of the UN, the WEF, the WHO and the like is a totalitarian one-world government. That’s not a conspiracy ‘theory’. That’s what they say they want. And the thing about people in government is, that they pay no price for causing harm or doing wrong.

This suffering is the outcome of the logic of our time. The idea that we can justify anything and that the world is infinitely malleable. That the tower of Babel will work this time around because we have computers now.

We’re wrong.

With regards to conspiracy: If I join a ship, and within four or five days the crew are behaving independently in their jobs and managing their roles properly, in accordance with my voyage briefings, then I have successfully instilled a conspiracy. That is a lot of what leadership comes down to, whether consciously or not. Everything is a conspiracy. The ridicule of those who speculate that some conspiratorial behaviours may be malign is never a satisfying argument about specifics. It is almost always eye-rolling sarcasm, by people who still think they’re on the beneficial inside of the conspiracy. To paraphrase Bastiat; they all think if they maintain the story of status quo, that they can continue to benefit from and live off of the conspiracy that is the State. (Licensing, limitation of liability, sponsored cartels, and other upper-middle-class welfare programs). Everyone wishes to live at the expense of the State, forgetting that the State lives at the expense of everyone.

In the same way that people who work for the social housing and welfare departments engage in a conspiracy to drip-feed the poor along with just enough welfare, to keep both the bureaucrat and the ward, from ever having to get a productive job. Nothing has to be said for this conspiracy to continue to poison our souls and our communities.

The warmongers – whoever they are – in this conflict have used the magic money tree to fund, arm and radicalise people on both sides. Violent Wahabist versions of Islamic statism have indeed been encouraged by the British and Saudi royal families since WW2. Knowing that is probably what got old Lozza of Arabia killed. This stuff is not only well documented, but obvious. Their urgency to bring about WW3 and a monetary system reset is not only driven by unprecedentedly high levels of debt, and the hyper-financialization of the world, but the fact that we now have the internet, and can interact peer-to-peer in a way that negates every conceivable REASON for the existence of any nation-state, let alone only one nation-state for the world.

The worst possible outcome for the only true net-consumers in our society would be if Jews and Muslims and Christians around the world realised that their own governments are more their enemy, than their Abrahamic cousins.

But knowing all of that will not stop the coming storm. This war has already been set in motion. And it is unique not because it is the first time that governments have committed democide, and worked against the interests of their own citizens. But it will be the first time that so many among the ranks know that at the time of conflict.

That will be the story of this war. A war, that I think if we’re all honest with ourselves, we knew would come upon us from the very first moment we heard the word lockdown. And certainly once it became clear – as was admitted to on the Pfizer website this week (anyone for distractions?) – that the jibber jabs disproportionately injured the cardiovascular strength of the upcoming western fighting-age men. Just in time for the FDA to withdraw its approval for the ‘vaccine’ that was never a vaccine, and a world war to mysteriously start.

·         The state of Israel represents the right of nation-states to exist and therefore, to defend themselves.

·         It is actually correct that no nation-state can morally justify its existence with anything like logical consistency.

·         Hamas openly declare that they will not honour international law or treaty and will not stop until the entire world is subjugated under their authority.

·         If Hamas ‘win’, the one-worlders & the UN can expand the proxy war in Ukraine, into an Israeli/Syrian/Iranian theatre.

·         If Israel obliterates Hamas, and/or Hezbollah, it will shock the world and cause riots among the credulous Islamic diaspora now spread among the electorate in every major Western nation that possesses nuclear weapons.

·         No matter the outcome, Israeli victory, defeat, or nuclear war, the UN will use it as a justification for a anti-religious secular standing world army, and therefore a one-world government.

·         The only threat left for this ‘super-state’, will be ordinary people.

·         As with Covid, anyone who dissents or disagrees at all with the narrative or status quo, will be classed as a terrorist.

·         Next time you go on an aeroplane and step into one of those body scanner things, your social credit score will be found insufficient to justify your carbon footprint, and a ‘terrorist detection’ alarm will sound loudly to cover the noise of you being vaporised by the machine in front of your family, as passers-by shrug off your fleeting existence, and think, ‘well, he probably deserved it’.

What upsets me about the people who should be able to see the big picture of what is going on are busier trying to explain things away, than to deal with them. Most internet dialogue went like this:

·         Hamas starts showing off dead Israeli babies and torturing kids on camera.

·         ‘pics or it didn’t happen’.

·         They sent pics!

·         Yeah, but… The Jews. Am I right?’

People who believe that Lady Gaga and Bill Gates feast on adrenochrome, apparently find it impossible to believe that Hamas are actually doing the evil things they proudly say they are doing, purely because their victims are Jewish.

You can be as awake as you like, but here’s the thing. Knowledge is only power, if you’re willing or able to act on it.

We spoke last time about the founding fathers of the USA. When they wrote, In Congress, July 4, 1776:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

They were not spouting casual justifications. They were not just declaring independence. They were declaring war.

If all men are created equal, that means we all have the right to defend ourselves. Against taxation, theft and violence. Even, and perhaps particularly, if those acts of aggression are perpetrated by people who thugs who call themselves a government.

Many of the arguments of the one-world authoritarian left, and the defenders of Hamas, do have a resonating rhyme with the spirit of the declaration of independence. But the primary difference is that they give not one fig for the consent of the governed, nor one iota of respect to true equality, which would entail the right to reject the policies of one’s own ‘government’ or supranational bureaucracy.

The civilians of Hamas have no such power. The civilians of Israel (21% of whom are arab, by the way) have no such power. And neither do we.

Our power, in the age of surveillance, drones, lasers, robots and nukes, lies in our vision, judgement and language.

The founding fathers were declaring their right to kill people, in the name of freedom. And then they went out, started a war of independence, and did exactly that. Their original sin lay dormant until the human sacrifices at Hiroshima and Nagasaki corrupted the American soul. That corruption allowed them to back a worthless dollar with violence instead of Gold, and we will soon witness their collapse. They will suffer now because they have abandoned the life-affirming principles of their founding revolution.

So how can we tell the difference between a ‘freedom fighter’, and a murderous thug?

Well, read the founding charter of Hamas. That is their equivalent declaration of independence, and it is in itself considered an international crime, as an unequivocal call for racial and religious genocide.

Read it.

Read it again.

And remember Tony.

It doesn’t always matter who the warmonger is. What matters for most of us is the number of people around you who are willing to stick the knife in. And what I learned from Covid compliance is, that’s most of them. And just because the war was started for fake reasons, doesn’t mean it isn’t going to kill you.

The sin of the Jewish people might be statism. And the sin of Islam might be tribalism. But our sin is definitely pride. Our peculiarly modern culture that insists that having the right opinions is what makes you good, and virtuous. When in fact all our ‘reason’ does is suppress our appetite for action.

You can’t fight evil by explaining it away. You actually have to fight it. And if we’re too smug to see that, then we’re going to continue to suffer like this for eternity.

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