culture politics Shipping Uncategorized

Underground Chickens and the Worrier Class

It was 0630 in the morning, still morning twilight. The glow of the promised sunrise still lesser than the monochromatic red lamps on the ship’s bridge, providing dim silhouettes to work by. The four piercing digital beeping noises, hurriedly pressed into the keypad let me know the captain was coming to the bridge early, and […]

culture freedom

The Bible and Surviving the Great Reset

The Bible, eh? You can’t trust that, can you? It’s all made up, isn’t it? Well, that may be. Or not. Increasingly though, I find it to be more true and relevant to my life and the times we live in than anything else. They say that only two things in life are certain, death […]

culture freedom politics


Nobody discusses climate change at the funeral of a seven year old girl. Nobody would stop to use hand sanitizer, before rushing to the liferaft on a sinking ferry. Nobody would turn down a plastic drinking straw, after your car breaks down and you’ve spent 3 days in the desert. So much of what passes […]

culture freedom politics Religion

The Miracle of the Literal Christian

To paraphrase the comedian Owen Benjamin, When Jesus Christ said: ‘This bread is my body and this wine is my blood’, that dude was clearly stating that, if you are not into metaphors, this club isn’t for you! The clue is in the beginning, ‘we are made in the image of God’ This means (I […]

culture freedom History politics Religion

The Un-Tied Kingdom

There has been much debate about the possibility of the collapse of the Union between Scotland and England this year. Such commentary has increasingly polarised along the lines of the Brexit divide, most likely because of the moral value those in Government and the media place on collectivism.  However, it strikes me as really odd […]

culture freedom

Tinfoil Masks

Tinfoil Masks I dropped my daughter off at primary school today, and I noticed some glaring eyes peering at me from behind face masks. I, like all other mask-dodgers in my little Scottish town, am a healthy white male, so my blatant disregard for the superstition known as ‘Covid-Safety’ marks me out for additionally scolding […]