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The Un-Tied Kingdom

There has been much debate about the possibility of the collapse of the Union between Scotland and England this year. Such commentary has increasingly polarised along the lines of the Brexit divide, most likely because of the moral value those in Government and the media place on collectivism. 

However, it strikes me as really odd that very few people are talking about the real underlying reason for the inevitable collapse of the union. The collapse of protestantism. 

You only have to look at our flag to understand why things are going wrong. Saint George and Saint Andrew’s crosses combine to remind us to show the world that we are united in our belief in self-sacrifice, bravery and humility in the pursuit of truth and justice. 

The union came into existence because protestant clans ousted the Catholic Mary Queen of Scots in a fairly complex plot, and then kept her son James VI under lock and key until they were damned sure he had adopted protestant values. 

Why is this so important? 

Mary was the queen of the Scots, not of Scot-LAND, because Scottish nobles believed that each human being was sovereign, and made in the image of God, and as such was capable of judgment and virtue in their own right. The queen was to serve as their avatar, and not that of the pope or the Vatican. England felt the same, and it remains impossible for a Catholic to reign as monarch to this day. 

When James took the throne, and the anti-Scottish, ethno-nationalist Mr Fawkes plotted to kill James (and his largely Scottish entourage) at the houses of parliament, the country was united, annually ever after, in celebrating the defeat of the gunpowder plot.

Our 300 years of united history saw us benefit from a mutual understanding of the world. The obligation to bring universal morality to the distant tribal territories of the earth. Where profits from empire were the natural bounty, awarded by God in return for spreading the gospel and common law. 100 years of peace, agricultural revolution and industrial revolution, the ending of slavery worldwide and even having an Indian person serve in Westminster 23 years before the abolitionists got their way in the USA. We had a very different story from our cousins across the pond, in my beloved Yankistan. Indeed, no racial laws of segregation or slavery were ever on the books in the UK, at any point in our history.

Not a disappointing puritan utopia, but a bunch of Gaels and Celts and Angles, Normans and Saxons, striving forth and bearing the burdens of the world.

So where did it all go wrong? 

Well, I would argue that World War 1 was the beginning of the end for the Union. 

Whether or not you dispute the total numbers killed in combat (75K Scots, vs 800K English), or the percentage of population killed (1.5 to 3% Scotland, 4% England, depending); the folk myth endures that Scottish people were disproportionately killed in the Great War. Partly because many of the earliest volunteers for the BEF were Scottish, and these poor chaps were sent away to the trenches before metal helmets or tanks were invented.

The evidence that people at the time felt that Scotland was disproportionately negatively affected is evidenced by the fact that over 10% of the population migrated away from Scotland between 1921 and 1931. Likely because the industrial powerhouse that was Glasgow and the central belt was destroyed both physically and economically. The destruction of the entirety of the capital gained from the industrial revolution, the abandonment of the gold standard and fiscal responsibility, and the injustice of conscription, ‘white-feathering’ and the execution of boy soldiers left many feeling like the UK was no longer a country they wished to be part of. 

60% of all who left the UK in the 1920s were Scottish, leaving a reduced population with a brain drain that we have scarcely recovered from to this day. Ferguson’s yard can’t even build a ferry on the Clyde any more! 

The death of christendom and the shaking of a worldview to the very core. The mechanised slaughter of conscripted men left many in Europe with no possible faith in their Government, or hope of redemption. 

World war 1 marked the death of the concept of consent. An anti-Christian precedent that endures until this day. 

The current 15 year run for the SNP, a literal 1930s national socialist party in Scotland, is a clear symptom of a century of materialistic nihilism and the erosion of the family and of protestant values. 

And what of England? 

Why should good protestant Scottish people who love the values of our old Union, the truly Auld Alliance, care about saving the Union when England continues to dig its own grave?

I have loved Britain in my time. I used to live in Somerset, and I have visited many English ports during my time in the Royal Navy Reserve. My best friends are English. My favourite writers are English. But even I despair these days. 

Why should Scotland remain in the union, when England seems intent on destroying itself and taking us with it? 

And no, I couldn’t give a fuck about Brexit. 

Saint Andrew and Saint George took great risks and would voluntarily sacrifice their own lives, in the way that Christ taught. With total self ownership. Sacrifice of the self.

The natural human state is to seek revenge, to sacrifice others. Human history is riddled with infanticide and the ritual slaughter of animals. The Jews counted themselves lucky when Abraham graduated the tribe up to animal slaughter only. However, the real transformation was when Jesus sacrificed himself, and took down the Roman Empire’s entire culture as a (admittedly belated) result. 

Self sacrifice is the opposite of military conscription. That is why the 20th Century has cost us our belief in the value of protestantism.  

And look at the sacrifices that continue to be made by the UK government:

  • Forcing taxpayers to fund radical late term or sex selective abortion, whether they agree with it or not
  • Forcing taxpayers to fund wars they disagree with
  • Forcing debt upon the children of taxpayers and deficits and unfunded liabilities that amount to fraud
  • Forcing taxpayers to pay for infrastructure, housing and healthcare costs of the refugees from the wars that we never voted for in the first place
  • Forcing taxpayers to pay for their own propaganda, woke-scolding and bribing those on furlough to stay complicit with corona-tarian policies
  • Steadfast refusal to address the rising influence of political islam and anti-semitism in the UK
  • Refusal to police the streets, while new blasphemy laws on hate speech gather apace
  • The end of free speech for cirtizens, but Members of Parliament can suggest that all men are assumed guilty of murder and put under hosue arrest, without being charged with a hate crime
  • Etc.

I can’t take my kid to the park and expect them to hear gaelic or Scots any more. Most of the kids speak Polish, Russian, Urdu or Hindi. And most of them, with a Southern English twang, since they bought their council house in London for 10 grand and sold it for half a million, before moving up here! 

And when bloody Londoners claim that the Scots are a bunch of moaners, who are over-subsidised by the capital, it makes my blood boil. Just like most of the counties of England, the reason we even need subsidies is because of policies from Westminster that centralise everything down South. Our monetary system wasn’t debased in Edinburgh, it was debased in London. And it is bloody rich to say that Scots are being ‘subsidised’, with Green bollocks, while our oil industry and shipping/shipbuilding industries have been auctioned off to foreign nations, and regulated out of existence. Are we being subsidised when london pushes the national debt beyond 100% of GDP because the fucking baby boomers would like yet another indulgence.

The Covid shit is just the final proof that the UK government doesn’t care about the people of this country. The average age of a covid death is 82.4 years old. The life expectancy in Scotland is only 77! And in the East end of Glasgow it is only 58 years for a man! 

What might make sense for Bojo and Rishi, does not make sense for Jimmy and Agnes from Dennistoun!

I know our lot aren’t any better, and I will probably spoil my ballot this May. However, if the English value this union, they need to take a good hard look at what they are offering as a partner. 

Without the story that we are all descended from Adam and Eve, flawed and weak, aiming at the good, how can we maintain a Union? How can we love a country that is no longer a nation of tribes, under God, but a corporation that imports citizens without care for their values, or whether the community wants them there?

Why do we have a country where Christianity is not mentioned at all in major newspapers, on Easter Sunday, but the BBC will happily make my children watch ‘Easter Diwali’ dancing by some daft Anglo-Indian bird on C-Beebies?

Please, England. For the literal love of God, sort it out. I don’t want to dump you, but it seems we are drifting apart.