culture freedom Religion

Ne Obliviscaris – Dinnae Forget

(This was written last week but delayed publishing. I’ve had a busy week, with my second command at sea, my 3-year-old son breaking his wrist again, and my daughter eating a slug! 🙂 Such is life.)

Forget not, Passover, the Kirk and Pfizer

Ok, so I lied. I did go to church on Easter Sunday, and it was wonderful. The sun was shining. I didn’t have to sing too much. The minister had a funny little sermon comparing the movie Ratatouille, with the revelation that the resurrection story brings to us. The children had an Easter egg decoration contest. And there was no mask mandate and no politics at all.

Holy week coincided with Ramadan, so my father and his wife were fasting. My Jewish in-laws are over visiting from South Carolina, so we had a Passover Seder on Good Friday. And my wife and I went out on our first date night in seven years. All in all, this was a great week to come ashore.

This was only my second Pesach (Passover Seder). Being a Campbell, our family motto ‘Ne Obliviscaris’ – Forget Not – always rang deeply true with me. I can hold a grudge, believe me. But goodness me, my Hebrew friends have it down to a fine art.

Part of the Pesach Seder is dipping parsley into saltwater, then tasting it to remember the bitter tears of ancestors, bound to suffer in slavery under the Pharaoh. Another is to dip your finger in wine and place ten blood-red drops onto your napkin, naming aloud each of the ten plagues of Exodus.

The death of the firstborn being the tenth and ultimate plague.

Brutal stuff. No wonder people hate Jews, right?

But there is a poetic part that the Christopher Hitchens crowd skip over here. As they remark at how cruel this ‘all-loving’ God of ours can be, the best part of the story gets missed. That is the action of a just Lord.

Pharaoh had ordered all of the firstborn sons of the Hebrews to be killed in the beginning of the Exodus story. This was because he saw their tribe grow in number and prosperity, despite the shackles of slavery. He feared the lower classes would rise up. He wanted to cripple their population when he gave that order.

Population control, to preserve the hierarchy. Sound familiar?

The tenth plague came from the Pharoah’s own father’s lips, a generation before. God brought the death of the Egyptians’ firstborn children upon them to repay their own wicked command to slaughter the generation of Moses.

It is worth thinking about in our day and age, where our government extract our wealth through taxation and inflation of the currency. Using the fruit of our labour to pay for our own imprisonment in our homes, pay for abortion and gender reassignment procedures without our consent and send £76Million every year to genocidal racist governments in Africa. How will the sins of our age come back upon us?

How will our failure to control the tyranny of our mob, and our pharaoh’s hierarchy be revisited upon us?

Anyway, I enjoyed our Passover dinner. I’m just recently back from a trip at sea, so I haven’t had any alcohol for over a month, meaning a few glasses of wine very efficiently sent me to bed by 8.30 pm, in a thoroughly good mood.

I woke the next at 03:30 am, feeling fresh, I had some time to go through the pile of paperwork that piled up in my absence.

To my horror and surprise, I’d gotten a letter from NHS Scotland complaining that my 7 year old daughter ‘missed’ her Covid-19 vaccination appointment. The letter informed me that she has ‘an underlying health condition,’ which she certainly does not! and that it is strongly recommended that such people at higher risk from covid-19 take the vaccine.

I cannot even begin to express the rage I feel now, at the despicable lying that is taking place in our governments and our public services these days. They had the gall, like some administrative desk Nazi from the movie Brazil, to categorise my perfectly healthy daughter as dangerously defective.

Being acutely aware of National Socialist Healthcare plans for children with ‘underlying health conditions,’ in say, 1930s Germany, this letter did not fill me with confidence for the future of the UK.

Aside from the fact that we’ve had Covid, twice, and were fine, the very idea that a vaccine that does not prevent spread or infection is a ‘socially responsible’ thing to take, is beyond maddening to contemplate.

The fact that even by their own cooked numbers, 1 or 2 in every million children will develop myocarditis or pericarditis from this vaccine should be enough to show you the demented reasoning that is going on here.

If two children in every million get a permanent life-threatening heart condition from this jab, that will be at least twelve children in the UK in my daughter’s age group of 5 to 11 year olds.

By official numbers, only three children in the UK, in the same age group died within 28 days of a positive covid test. The ONS say they have no data as to whether those children died from covid, or, more likely, with covid.

That is their official numbers, published in plain sight. They have decided to sacrifice the health of twelve children, at minimum, against the possible saving of three children and some political credibility. Except for one obvious miscalculation, that a 3 year old virus can no longer be ‘novel’ enough to pose as serious a threat as it once (hypothetically) could have.

As someone who does risk assessment on an hourly basis while at work, including medical treatment as a ship’s medical officer, I can say with 100% certainty that the risk assessment should say ‘no’.

Indeed, the fact that the JCV-whatever also advised the UK government that the risk assessment says ‘no’ to this evil madness, but the government went ahead with jabbing children anyway should tell you something is so wrong with our country.

You should be concerned with almost nothing else at the moment. Our government is sacrificing the health of our children and lying to us in spectacular fashion at every turn.

Not cake. Not wallpaper. Not Party-gate. Not Ukraine. Only this.

Boris Johnson’s government has used taxpayer money to bully, frighten, intimidate, and endanger our children. And they did it against their scientific advisors’ warnings. Wilfully.

They might not be a shadowy satanic cult of lizard people. But the effect is the same.

And now I know why Exodus begins with the Egyptian government slaughtering firstborn children, and God’s voice comes from a burning bush.

The bush burns, without being consumed to ashes. The voice of God rises up as the cries of suffering grow louder. Life burns with a passion for justice to be done, and it will not be extinguished by time.

And we who can hear the cries of the children who suffered and died at the hands of our government must become as Moses. We must listen to the eternal judgement of truth and obey.

3:11 And Moses said unto God, who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? 3:12 And he said, Certainly I will be with thee;

Bible, KJV. The Holy Bible: King James Version (KJV), includes Bible Reference Guide, Daily Memory Verse, Gospel Sharing Guide: (For Kindle) (p. 101). Pandora’s Box. Kindle Edition.

If I’m honest, the funny hats and the ritual still make me a little uncomfortable. However, I don’t think it is my right to inhibit my children from learning who their mother is. Or from getting closer to Jesus by knowing the faith he grew up in.

I do believe the Jews, and the Campbells have a lesson for all of us living in our modern age. As the narrative turns from Covid, to the ‘unrelated’ inflation crisis, toward that bad man in Ukraine, we should remember. Our so called ‘authorities’ have been lying to us.

It is our duty, to all those who come after us, to forget not.

God is truth. We must serve God, and not man.

What I want to share is my belief that when Jesus said we can all come to the father through him, I believe that means that we are all capable of discerning truth by ourselves. We can become more like God, and Jesus, the more we reflect truth in our actions. And our actions are the strongest form of communication there is.

The ship I recently spent a month away on had 5 Russian speaking crew from former Soviet countries on board. They are wonderful people. Tough. Incredulous. Multi-lingual.

The other skipper was Irish, with a fondness for beautiful weather ladies, so the terrestrial TV news was always left on full volume in the Mess Room at mealtimes. One day, our Polish engineer shouted ‘Go away cost of living, Ukraine! Where is Covid?!’ The Lithuanian deck hand astutely replied: ‘When war finish, Covid come back. Don’t worry.’

These people survived old school communism. We’re living through new school communism. Like the kirk, and my former-soviet, Jewish and Teuchter friends, we must ‘Forget Not.’