Internet Philosophy politics

Observations On Deck

The mood has changed.

freedom Shipping

Digital Passports Next Year – I’m Off.

Apologies for not posting last Sunday. I had drafted an article in my usual vein, and was nearly ready to publish, when the news of digital passports for the energy industry popped into my inbox and destroyed my mood. Before I could re-write an article in response, I took quite ill with acute stomach flu, […]

discipline freedom Shipping

Billy Gates, the Passenger

A short piece on the portability of principles, instinct and having enough certainty to become your own ‘authority’. Has being ‘unvaccinated’ (i.e. normal until five minutes ago), damaged my career or made my life more difficult? Should I have kept my mouth shut? Was I just being a desperately paranoid weirdo? I don’t think so. […]

culture freedom Religion

Ne Obliviscaris – Dinnae Forget

(This was written last week but delayed publishing. I’ve had a busy week, with my second command at sea, my 3-year-old son breaking his wrist again, and my daughter eating a slug! 🙂 Such is life.) Forget not, Passover, the Kirk and Pfizer Ok, so I lied. I did go to church on Easter Sunday, […]

culture discipline freedom politics

Mastery and Knowledge

What good is knowledge if we don’t apply it? For the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity. Proverbs 24:16 ESV The sting of failure cuts like a whetted knife. The butterflies in your stomach turn to fear, then to rage, then to disbelief. Dizziness. What does […]

Philosophy politics Religion

Revelations of Easter

Alright, so I have had as many problems with the God-squad as the rest of us in the West. Paedo priests, woke churches, kumbaya nonsense, appeasers of corrupt governments, logical contradictions, unprovable claims, etc. Yet(!), after two years of pseudo-one-world-governance and stay-at-home orders in the UK, I can’t help but feel the absence of our […]

culture politics Shipping Uncategorized

Underground Chickens and the Worrier Class

It was 0630 in the morning, still morning twilight. The glow of the promised sunrise still lesser than the monochromatic red lamps on the ship’s bridge, providing dim silhouettes to work by. The four piercing digital beeping noises, hurriedly pressed into the keypad let me know the captain was coming to the bridge early, and […]

culture freedom politics


Nobody discusses climate change at the funeral of a seven year old girl. Nobody would stop to use hand sanitizer, before rushing to the liferaft on a sinking ferry. Nobody would turn down a plastic drinking straw, after your car breaks down and you’ve spent 3 days in the desert. So much of what passes […]

culture freedom

Tinfoil Masks

Tinfoil Masks I dropped my daughter off at primary school today, and I noticed some glaring eyes peering at me from behind face masks. I, like all other mask-dodgers in my little Scottish town, am a healthy white male, so my blatant disregard for the superstition known as ‘Covid-Safety’ marks me out for additionally scolding […]