culture discipline Philosophy Religion Shipping

Village Fate

What does it mean to believe in fate? Why bother with the ‘Christian Label’? We Merchant Sailors live a hungry freelance existence. Your dream job comes up three or four times a year, but you are already engaged elsewhere and unable to take it. The guy with his bag packed, ready to go, is the […]

culture freedom Religion

Ne Obliviscaris – Dinnae Forget

(This was written last week but delayed publishing. I’ve had a busy week, with my second command at sea, my 3-year-old son breaking his wrist again, and my daughter eating a slug! 🙂 Such is life.) Forget not, Passover, the Kirk and Pfizer Ok, so I lied. I did go to church on Easter Sunday, […]

Philosophy politics Religion

Revelations of Easter

Alright, so I have had as many problems with the God-squad as the rest of us in the West. Paedo priests, woke churches, kumbaya nonsense, appeasers of corrupt governments, logical contradictions, unprovable claims, etc. Yet(!), after two years of pseudo-one-world-governance and stay-at-home orders in the UK, I can’t help but feel the absence of our […]

culture Internet politics Religion

Are You Evil Enough to See?

‘The individual is so handicapped, by coming face-to-face, with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists.’ – J. Edgar Hoover, 1956. The question we always get asked, as people who think there is more going on, is: ‘Why would they do that’? The biggest problem with the truther/conspiracy theory brigade, apart from being […]

culture freedom politics Religion

The Miracle of the Literal Christian

To paraphrase the comedian Owen Benjamin, When Jesus Christ said: ‘This bread is my body and this wine is my blood’, that dude was clearly stating that, if you are not into metaphors, this club isn’t for you! The clue is in the beginning, ‘we are made in the image of God’ This means (I […]

culture freedom History politics Religion

The Un-Tied Kingdom

There has been much debate about the possibility of the collapse of the Union between Scotland and England this year. Such commentary has increasingly polarised along the lines of the Brexit divide, most likely because of the moral value those in Government and the media place on collectivism.  However, it strikes me as really odd […]

History Philosophy Religion


I have had some recurring dreams in my life. I have viewed them with some wonder because they have stayed in my mind as clear as day for more than 2 decades now. The first dream I had along these lines, I have ever-since used as my firey ambition in life. It took place on […]

Admin History Internet Philosophy Religion Shipping

Hello Yankee Jockers

Welcome to the Yankee Jock blog. A place to discuss Scottish and American values. For those who don’t know, ‘Jock’ isn’t just a type of sweaty athletic underwear. In the UK it is also a term used to address a Scottish person, like me. Yankee, although associated with the North in the US Civil War, […]